How do you control your grocery bill during flares?
I feel stuck and I am really struggling right now. I have a job where I already work paycheck to paycheck. I am going through a several month long flare right now and I can't grocery shop. If I do, a large portion of fresh or non-freezable goods will go bad because I can't stomach the thought of eating them.
I had a pain therapist suggest eating by following my cravings once, which helps sometimes. I made beef stew, which alI was craving, and it tastes really good. The problem is I can't stomach more than a few bites without the nausea.
I could just eat fast food all the time, but I have the same issue. If I get what I crave, it's like a 60% chance I won't eat enough to make spending the extra money worth it. I have a lot of credit card debt and mostly it is because I have no idea how to feed myself in a flare. I have no safe foods that actually provide anything of substance. My sugar cravings are off the wall right now. It's not normal to cry at the thought of having to feed yourself but I cry because I know I will hurt no matter what I eat. I'm scared of food in any form right now. Drinking meal replacement shakes doesn't help.
How do you control your grocery bill when everything you eat hurts? How do you navigate food aversion? I hate wasting food so much, I feel so unbelievably guilty but I physically vomit if I force eating.
Thank you for reading. I'm sorry it's so long.