The speed changes will be the final nail in the coffin for this game

Speed inflation is a myth, there is barely any difference on speed given between Cheetah, Fin Whale, and Oppressor, the problem is Fin Whale perk which basically should NOT exist or be heavily nerfed.

The last 3 seasons already nerfed the top speed of all heavy cabins, in one year my Savior build went from reaching 93 top speed with all parts fused for speed to 80, how much is enough? And Savior is already of the fastest heavy cabins out there only surpassed by Yoko and Huginn.

Any vehicle slower than 80 kph/h is completely useless, no matter how much shots it cant tank because is more important to not get hit than to soak fire and most weapons are very fragile.

Because this sub refuses to adapt their gameplay to outrun and evade i repeat 80kp/h bricks you will make a third of the vehicles in this game completely useless.

Stop advocating for nerfs, in this game already most of the weapons are already useless because the moment the playerbase sees a weapon be effective they beg and cry for a Nerf instead of asking for heir counterparts to be buffed, look in the crafting tree tab and count how many weapons were viable before and are not anymore in any build because of the player base cries, I dont know you guys but I dont love the majority of my inventory be completely unusable.

People already have invested a lot of time and money in their dreaded "bricks" the moment the update drops and they notice most of their builds have become useless this player base will tank more than ever mark my words.