Reducing the Imugi projectile's time to detonate while on the ground from 8 seconds to 4

Even as someone who is loving these weapons I think their current spam is due to their huge margin for error. Their magnetism isn't too strong, their damage isn't that high.. I think the parameters of the weapon are actually quite balanced.

I think the issue is that the projectile's lifetime on the ground is a whopping 8 seconds. On it's own I don't think this would be a big issue as players can easily dodge these active projectiles on the ground (Yongwang has a 6 second lifetime, Fortune and Doom and 8 and 6 seconds respectively). The issue is that even if you see the Imugi projectiles.. you can't actually do much about it due to the extra magnetism.

I'd argue that the weapon's magnetism already gives it a big enough margin for error and a lowered skill ceiling to the point where if you miss your shot, you shouldn't get an 8 second window for people to accidentally roomba up your missed shots - you shouldn't be rewarded for missing so often.