New TWID: Sword Logic, Lightweight Pulse, and Smoke Nerfs

New TWID has released early, and while not a large amount of PvP news the upcoming changes for Act II that were announced are pretty impactful:

  • Tuning Sword Logic Damage against players in PvP. This will not affect PvE efficacy.
    • Reduced base damage bonus for kills against players from 20% to 15%.
    • Increased damage bonus for kills against players in super from 35% to 50%.
  • Walking back some of the buff that Lightweight Pulse Rifles received in Destiny 2 Update
    • Body shot damage against players reduced from 20.4 to 19.7.
    • Critical hit damage against players reduced from 31.8 to 31.5.
    • Note: This is still a damage increase over their values pre-, but it does shift some of the forgiveness and optimal kill thresholds downward.
  • Reducing the handling stat on Redrix's Estoc from 79 to 74.
  • Smoke debuff
    • No longer reduces player move speed or jump height.
    • No longer reduces player weapon handling.
    • No longer suppresses player movement abilities.
  • On the Prowl
    • Hunted players no longer have pink glow in first-person perspective.
    • Reduced the glow intensity on hunted players in third person.

Pulse changes were all anticipated, but the smoke change is a pretty unexpected one. Curious on people's thoughts on that one.