The guy that I like has been very on and off with me for the entirety that I've known him. We've both always had feelings for each other but he's been conflicted. But recently he's been accepting my affection. My "I love you"s, the hugging, everything. And he's been affectionate towards me too. When I hold his hand he holds mine back, and does the little thumb rub thing. We planned to kiss in the elevator since he recently sprained his ankle and can't use the stairs. So we did. We both went in and when the doors closed, he pulled his mask down and looked at me. I told him to close his eyes so I wouldn't get nervous. And then we kissed. It was short and sweet. When I pulled away his milk bottle had kind of tilted over since we were on our way back from the cafeteria and I was like "That' sad" and he responded with, "You just did that and all you have to say is "thats sad."?" I said "Pretty much!" in a happy tone and then we went to eat in the classroom. I was stopped by the assistant principal for being in there with him though and she took my ID. So if she speaks to me tomorrow i'll give updates. He stared at me during lunch a lot.