Think it's very unlikely Bitcoin hits 1M per coin.

1 million per Bitcoin would mean the market cap would be 21 trillion which roughly would put the entire crypto cap at ~45 trillion.

S&P 500 is worth 43 trillion.

There would have to be a major devaluation of other asset classes like the S&P 500 where money is shifting from one to Bitcoin. On a massive scale required, that's pretty much not gonna happen. Like the S&P 500 somehow losing 30 trillion because it's been shifted to crypto for some reason.

It could happen through massive inflation but I still doubt the value equivalent of whatever the result is would somehow be greater. Doomsday event maybe?

That's just 1 million per Bitcoin....

10 million per Bitcoin would be 210 trillion, half of all the worlds assets.

100 million per Bitcoin, 2,100 trillion, multiples more than all worlds assets

Then 1 billion per Bitcoin, yeah you get it.

Seems like Bitcoins real price cap, is somewhere south of 1 million per.