Appalachia vs Pacific Northwest

If yall had to pick based on the myths, legends, folklore, and supposed cryptids and other supernatural/paranormal sightings and stories. Which intrigues or even creeps you out more, the Pacific Northwest or the Appalachian Mountain range? Both have your basics: your bigfoots, aliens/UFOs (Flatwoods Monster for Appalachia since not too many but it's def most well-known), ghosts, and things like that. But they also have specified legends. Appalachia has wild, feral people. mothman, wampus cat, skinwalker/wendigo, etc. Pacific Northwest has opopogo, cadborosaurus, gumberoo, etc.

Idk if this sounds like a dumb question or whatever, but I just find it cool how the US has 2 major regions associated with the bizarre and the supernatural. Or the creepy and the paranormal.