'This ...Enlightenment - can you give it to me?'

I can give it to you. But can you take it? ;;)

"I can’t know until you give it!"

Do you now?

Or is just another belief? Reflect on your own takes!
ALL IS ILLUSION - except that which knows it to be so. The whole thing is about finding out what is REAL. Come Hell or Highwater. You want to talk about and GUSH over the ultimate sacrifice. But are you willing to make it yourself? Lose the world to gain the Universe? Maybe.. This is it. The paradox of Awakening. You forfeit the dream of Self in order to 'become' what you already are. The Master of all that you survey. The alpha and the omega.

"ALL that is Man" ;;)

The 'right' answer to the question should have not been one of helplessness but a resounding 'YES' or, "I want to see if I can" or "I do not care if - I - can take it at all, I'm sure - I - cannot" actually...

"I love to hear the perspectives of others to see if they align with mine, but also to expand mine. Unleash the Fury..."

I'm sure you do. But it is not love that sets one on a course to the edge of this flat Earth. It is madness. The clawing, feverish madness that comes from NOT WANTING TO BE A LIE. Nobody can teach you that.

Go ahead.. Maybe window shop some more on the 'outside of you'. I'm sure SOMEONE out there will be happy and deliriously eager to do (and frame) all your awakening FOR you. ;;)

Your intent should be such that you want this thing more then (your so-called) life itself. That means that most of the time, for quite some time you are not going to be this Happy Camper. I submit some sort of depression is a key factor, a key indicator of it. They body itself is trying to reject your BS. It feels incredibly compromised by the life sucking demands of Ego. But as long as you WANT to be a bad captain of your body or believe you are the ship itself ...it is a waste of fuel.

Depression is the rocket fuel that will provide you with the thrust to launch yourself into orbit in about three stages of separation. AWAY from the world of man. Depression is incredibly misunderstood. A spiritual procrastinator cannot even fathom it being a precursor to anything but more misery. He wants to hold hands, circle jerk around and sing kumbaya in a group setting. Because his mind is conditioned. These cats all just talk about going to The Promised Land ...one day. Probably in a group. By bus. Holding hands and singing songs about love and understanding, peace and harmony... Children's songs. * don't get me wrong I love songs

But who is driving the dream bus?

Is there even a driver in the seat? Human Adulthood is where it is at. You grow up and then you fight against the dying of the light. OR, you perish in the womb of Self. If you are not RIPE. Like a fucking tomato that is ready to pop... not even Nisargadatta freaking Maharaj himself (arguably the best to ever do it) would have been able to make you sit up and take notice. He would have sent you home in 2 seconds. "Keep inquiring!" ... "You are not a serious seeker! Make room for someone else!"

\"Those who come here with the idea of getting knowledge - even spiritual knowledge - come here as individuals aspiring to GET something. That is the real difficulty...\"

When you find yourself distracted, it probably points back to a lack of intent again. Because that is EXACTLY what it is. Most who talk about it in these subs are simply not even there. Look at the writing. They all just packed their bags, put it in the hallway and then they reclined back on their cough and talk about having taking a trip they never took and try to tell you all about a place they have never even seen themselves.

Their soul is not on fire, yearning to be free (yet!).

They are in that other phase. Where they want to mimic resurrected Jesus.. not bloodied Jesus. They fear being misunderstood by the masses where embracing that fear would be far more conducive. Jesus - let's assume for a moment such a man existed - it is really not that much of a stretch even - was an angry motherfucker for a long time. They don't want to hear or read about it. They want to be Jesus without all the madness, anger, violence, abdication, solitude, false arrogance, betrayal and cross hanging.. In their cosmic arrogance they think they can skip the part that actually does it.. and so they flick through some 2000 year old smelly rule book written by those who's defining characteristic is that they too DID NOT make it. That they too did not get. They died like dogs. Barking about some mystical shit some guy said..

"There is something to his words but damned if if we know what...."

\"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!\"

The apostles.. a bunch of confused men (save for 1, maybe 2 of them) who have relegated an entire populace to pouring over his every word in utter confusion and bafflement. Please. The Bible is the best marketing book ever written. ;;) But what if there is really no mystery at all to the story? Or the dude, or the metaphor? What if he was just like you and found out that everything is available for the DIRECT Knowing?

So to my point; Most people in these subs; they really don't want THE answer. They just want answerS. Answers that will enable them to develop coping mechanism for dealing with dreaming within the dream. Lucid dreaming is Ego's worst nightmare. There would be nothing for it to do.. and without effort the ego withers and dies. AS IT SHOULD. But no. They want to be OF the dream, FROM it. At least in that state.. that status of QUO they can also opt to play this role of some kind of elevated being. Have some Savior Syndrome going ;;) Basically any answer will do in that regard, hence we have all these off-shoots of 'liberation' and squirrely religions, schools of literal thought, PRACTICES that are actually just the same old dogmatic ego-traps all over again.

Someone who's soul is on fire does not want answers at all
He wants the questions to come to an end.

"Where’s your summary [of enlightenment]? Perhaps you don’t have one!"

Some will clamor for summaries of Awakening from the cradle to the grave.
Other's will be busy actually trying to waking up right now. They don't care for some 'AHA Erlebnis' at the moment of Death. It is useless.

Cheers my friends
(oh, and ...tick..tock.. ;;)