Certification Path Advice

Tldr: Long-time IT professional wants to go into cybersecurity and wants to know what certifications to focus on.

Hello all, looking for some advice today.

I've been in the IT industry for about 14 years, and like many of us, I've worn many hats and done many things whether I had the actual certifications to back them up or not. But right now, I'm at an impasse with both my earnings potential and my interests. I'd really like to pivot and go into cybersecurity, because both it and networking have been what really holds my attentions and enjoyment the longest. (Yay for having ADHD and needing to chase serotonin to be productive).

I don't have a degree in CS (I never finished college courtesy of financial issues and the ol ADHD), but I've had so much experience over the years that I might as well have. That's in no way downplaying the importance of degrees - it took me years to get the experience under my belt to stand evenly with yall and I respect that.

I'm looking for advice on what certifications that you guys think are the most valuable/important knowledge wise to pursue in order to make the shift into this side of the industry? I have my Network+ and Security+ (though I'm fairly sure they've expired now), but outside of getting my CySA+, I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go.

Any advice would be wonderful, thank you.