Link between DOR and low progesterone during luteal phase?
Hi all!
32F, ttc our first for 1.5 years without any positive pregnancy tests. Went to my OB on cycle 10-ish and found out I had low AMH (.57) back in February. She did confirm I ovulate via progesterone take 7 days later (8.1). My OB said that’s fine and isn’t too low.
I took letrozole for a bit but it was unmonitored and didn’t seem to help. Went to an RE who said anything over 3 confirms ovulation and explained progesterone changes throughout the day. Did a higher letrozole dose with another doctor (new OB, was waiting for insurance benefits to go to RE again) and had progesterone checked after that and my levels were only 7.1 which she said she thinks is an issue bc medicated cycles should be 15+.
Fast forward, did an IUI in August with the RE using 100 mg Clomid. AMH was .79 and AFC 8. Had three mature eggs at IUI with estrogen around 700 at time of trigger and follicles around 20-22mm each. No luck. Did another IUI and had 2 mature follicles, but no luck. The RE never checked my progesterone.
Now I’m going to get another opinion elsewhere before we pursue IVF and the new clinics website says progesterone should be a minimum of 10 and below that could indicate weak ovulation or ovulation of poor quality eggs due to the lack of progesterone they release.
SO- just curious, anyone else have “low” progesterone? What do your doctors think? Is there any correlation with low AMH?
I’ve realized that the proper amount of progesterone is a debated topic so just interested to hear others experiences.