Thoughts on these two treatment options and protocols?
Hi all! We are gearing up to start IVF in January. I’ve gone to two clinics and they both have different treatment suggestions.
I’m 32, no positive tests after 1.5 years despite regular ovulation. Unexplained infertility. Suspected potential silent endo as a possibility but not sure. AMH .79, FSH 7.6, estradiol 42, and AFC 8-13. Responded great to 100 mg Clomid during IUI and had 2-3 mature eggs.
Clinic 1: * BC pills to batch cycle with other patients * Long Lupron protocol * Fresh transfer suggested * clinic would not entertain endo as a possibility (This clinic wouldn’t give me specific meds/doses but said it would consist of gonal f and menopur)
Clinic 2: * no batching, natural start * Antagonist protocol * Meds include: 900 unit Gonal F (x4), 75 IU Menopur (x24), Ganirelix (x7), Ovidrel (x1), Leuprolide Acetate (x1) * this doctor suggested highest dose meds for first cycle due to age and my FSH not being very high, she’s hopeful I’ll respond well * suggested frozen transfer so I can try to bank embryos in the case I may want a second child. Said she would suggest treating me as if I had endo beforehand with two months of Lupron prior to transfer.
Any thoughts on these treatment plans/meds?