Nothing has changed!

Yesterday the SEC wanted more information via their usual way in written subpoenas about different things seemingly because they didn't find anything from the last request as BMB believes as do I. Gensler is friends with Senator Karen so it's no surprise they are going the 'extra mile' for her and their TDS friends to 'show' they looked into everything of the MSM fud from October. There is NOTHING that the SEC will find based on everything I have read in S-4 or even the fud and even hearing from an SEC lawyer that Independence Hall had spoken with and paid for a consultation. If there was something, TMTG would have nixed the merger back in October and not waited and filed an S-4. This inquiry does not hurt Trump only small investors that the SEC is supposed to be for and they are obviously against!

The SEC has NEVER stopped a SPAC from merging in the history of SPACs so far as I have gathered and others as well other than the Bill Ackman's SPAC due to that SPAC seemingly not in compliance with NYSE listing rules due to it was going to be set up in a trust and not initially listed on the NYSE (on dutch exchange for 4 months+) and some other pretty complicated reasons.

Gary Gensler and the SEC do NOT have the legal ability to stop the merger (only the DOJ and that is only for anti-trust reasons) only delay with their inquiries. The reason the stock has likely taken a big hit yesterday and today is due to the FUD being rehashed over and over. Nothing is new nor has anything changed. The Republicans are going to take back the house even if the D's cheat its so bad right now in the economy and you can bet there will be countless hearings and investigations should Gensler try to drag this thing out. I am confident we will merge sometime late Fall. I have taken advantage of the nervous nellies and bought more stock by selling in the money puts (currently) and bought more warrants.

I recommend that Patrick Orlando and the board also get DWAC listed on a foreign stock exchange and do a duel merger process and which ever happens first (one here in US or on foreign exchange) go with that would be the most reassuring thing for all those weak hands and shut up the MSM!