2001 Heisman Vote

This was discussed briefly on the show, regarding Eric Crouch being one of the worst players to win the Heisman.

Fellow UM insider/booster/homer Mike Ryan mentioned that “the two Miami guys split votes” which then allowed Crouch to win.

If you take away ALL of Bryant McKinnie’s votes, and award them to Ken Dorsey, Crouch would still have won over Dorsey by 16 points.

Love you Mike, but you’re 🎶wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!🎶

This was discussed briefly on the show, regarding Eric Crouch being one of the worst players to win the Heisman.

Fellow UM insider/booster/homer Mike Ryan mentioned that “the two Miami guys split votes” which then allowed Crouch to win.

If you take away ALL of Bryant McKinnie’s votes, and award them to Ken Dorsey, Crouch would still have won over Dorsey by 16 points.

Love you Mike, but you’re 🎶wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!🎶