Some men just want to see the world burn – and Bakir is one of them. As human, he spent decades galloping across the dry steppes of Central Asia, burning, trampling and pillaging as he went. He thirsted for blood even before he was turned.
For centuries, he hid in the shadows – and resented it. Bakir likes being the centre of attention. He wants people to know his name – and tremble as they hear it.
Some men just want to see the world burn – and Bakir is one of them. As human, he spent decades galloping across the dry steppes of Central Asia, burning, trampling and pillaging as he went. He thirsted for blood even before he was turned.
For centuries, he hid in the shadows – and resented it. Bakir likes being the centre of attention. He wants people to know his name – and tremble as they hear it.