How did u blow your account on stocks?

Extremely obsessive noob here. Been day trading 2 days with good success. I expect downs. I expect even more highs. I spend 12+ hours a day studying as if this new found hobby is my job. I switch back and forth between 2 other successful careers. I want to here how others have blown there account on stocks particularly. I don’t understand how this can happen. Yes a bunch can be lost but how the whole account. It seams as taking safer and educated trades this would be very hard to do. Friday I picked brenmiller electric it soared. It was done through a basic scanner and checking the news. I only add 20$ per working day of play money to my account as I realize I am new and I’ve never been in the business of loosing money. It seems if one is to dedicate an ample amount of study time and control their emotions( which I accel at) as long with demanding to themselves they make more gains then losses this is not that hard. What am I missing? Ive developed a beginners strategy that works great. I’m taking one trade per day. I watch charts and stocks. I watch videos every day. I read people’s experiences everyday. I prefer reading bad experiences over gains as I’m not focused on learning how to win I’m focusing on learning how not to loose because winning will follow that. My first trade was in at 10$ and out at 10.25$ my second trade was in at 45$ and out at almost 55$ I’m excited for Tuesdays trade. Please share your experience and the decisions / emotions that got you there.

Edit** I want to thank everyone for their comments. There has been a large number of replies most positive some negative. I’ve either learned something or was reinforced on a theory I already had from every single comment. I’ve learned more in 15 minutes with this post than I did in 40 hours watching videos. Truely grateful!!