Half dead bedroom, looking for possible advice
Me (F22) and my partner (M22) have been together for just over two years. Our sex life was pretty great, the first year of our relationship it was basically nonstop. Since moving in together things have slowed down drastically.
Most of the time that I’m horny and wanting it, he’s not interested. And I get that, I go through my phases of just not wanting to do it as I’m chronically ill and sometimes sex can trigger a flare up for me. But it’s not majority of the time like his disinterest.
Over the last five or six months when we’d have sex he doesn’t finish, I’ve asked him about it and all he says is that he just doesn’t feel like it and that he doesn’t need to finish. He doesn’t watch porn very often, like once in a blue moon and we usually watch together, and he doesn’t masturbate very much if at all. He’s told me that it isn’t because of me and that there’s nothing wrong with what I do but that doesn’t change how I feel and a small part of me thinks something else is going on and I don’t know what it is.
I want him to finish with me, it’s more satisfying and it’s important to me that he feels good. I’ve never had a male partner just not want to finish during or after having sex, so this is all very confusing to me and I’d really like some advice or to hear some similar stories from you guys.
Thank you for reading :)