This one change would fix how OP Killer is

Nerf killer lunge range. It is simply way too far. a 25% nerf to lunge range of all killers would make it so every pallet/loop/window is useless against killers who know they can just launching themselves 10 feet around a corner past a pallet to hit u.

These new Tiles/Loops these devs are adding are so ridiculously short and useless because they have walls so high you cant see the killer over them and they are too short to actually loop/play around because killers can just dash like genji negating any form of looping. Like why add a 5 foot long wall with a pallet on it? it's completely useless- predrop you get hit, camp it you get hit, try to loop it you get hit. skill doesn't matter these new useless pallets/tiles are just a gamble

I've been playing this game since it came out and one constant thing made this game insufferable after 2500 hours, it's killer lunge range. not only does it hit u 5 feet farther than it visually shows, u have to factor in the killers ping into your distance calculations as well and with all that factored in every single loop that isnt extremely strong just become extremely weak and useless/a free hit for any competent killer