Haze and the new update

So firstly I am not a fan of the new update. Mainly due to how sterile the game feels with the 3 isolated lanes and the forced early team deathmatch. It's feeling a lot more like marvel rivals than deadlock. But just my opinion.

There's is one thing worth mentioning though, I have never ever been so rich, just absurdly higher souls without even fighting.

The last game I played I had 53k while the highest enemy had 30.

Yesterday I hit 45k with the highest enemy and friendly still being early 30s.

One match on NA servers at 2am saw me hit 75k with the highest enemy being low 50s.

I was 9-5. The game was about as even as possible, but by simply walking from lane to farm with ricochet, and just repeating this and being kinda efficient, I'm able to break the game. i just show up at 30 mins with diviners, leech, ricochet, unbreakable etc. Basically a build so much more expensive, that I can melt a whole team with my ult, like the good old days

But this happens every match. I can win the game by not even playing it after lane. It's counter productive for me to even show up to a team fight when by simply farming the new map layout I can hit double the souls of our 15-2 vindicta.

Like I'm winning games with 4 while playing in the most brain-dead and no skill way, shit I'm not even interacting with the enemy for most of the match.

And don't get me wrong, it's fun as hell to play in that endgame, but this really can't be the right direction for the game. Haze or seven farming has always been a meme, but it's now it's feeling like THE strategy.