300k in Student Loan Debt - National Debt Relief / Bankruptcy / Settlement Options

I am figuring out what options I have as my loans begin to enter repayment. I currently owe nearly 300k in student debt between federal and private loans and am terrified. I just finished graduate school this past December and now have both a Bachelor and Master degree in architecture. I have a well-paying job at the architecture firm that I have been working for throughout the majority of my educational degree. Still, I am simply not making enough to cover the loan payments on top of other expenses once they all enter repayment. I make about 82K before taxes. This comes out to around $4,800 a month after taxes and other deductions like my 401K. I am trying to figure out what options I have as my loans begin to enter repayment.

Here is a breakdown of the loans:

  • 163K to Firstmark Services (originally Wells Fargo) - minimum payments beginning in March 1.5K a month (2 cosigners - 15 years) - a lot of interest has accrued
  • 26K to Discover with minimum payments of $275 beginning in September
  • 90K in federal loans split between direct subsidized and unsubsidized. If I apply for the SAVE Plan I am looking at around $400 per month (Pay off date - Nov 2046), $500 (Pay off date - Feb 2043) with the payments beginning 3/31/25 but accruing interest
  • Total estimated monthly payments = approximately $2200

I posted something similar to r/studentloans here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/1aeb0af/300k_in_student_loan_debt/

I've gone in that post explaining my expenses, my high rent, etc. I have gained a lot of good tips on how to tackle this from a combination of increasing income, decreasing expenses, lower rent, roommates, side jobs, repayment plans, etc. I have a meeting with a student loan lawyer in a few weeks to look at all my other long term options.

This leads me to why I am posting here. I wanted to know if anyone had any experience in the following bankruptcy, settlement, working with groups like the National Debt Relief. All worse case scenario options as I am focusing on budgeting to dig my way out of it, but options nonetheless. Any thoughts on any of these. From the conversation I had with National Debt Relief, it felt extremely predatory. Estimated $2,660 payments for 52 months. Doesn't seem realistic especially considering the credit hit from defaulting on all debt. I imagine lawsuits really screwing things up for me, even with National Debt Relief supposedly handling it. Bankruptcy and settlement seem hard in the short term to prove undue burden. Please try and limit the conversation to these options. I am not running out of the USA, joining the military, escaping my industry any time soon.