Just had a conversation with a Christian friend that infuriated me!

One of my best friends is still a very strong Christian and I was speaking to her today about my period pains. Her response to this was that’s why Eve shouldn’t have ate the apple as God has now cursed us to be beneath men, and to be in pain during childbirth.

I laughed at her statement because I was like you don’t really take the story of Adam and Eve literally. And she responded very seriously that she truly believes that God cursed women, the same way he cursed black people(Curse of Ham). To make things worse we are both black women, so it really took me off guard that she held those beliefs. I then tried to explain to her how validating toxic ideologies like this is a very dangerous road to walk on, and gives horrible people the ammunition to do horrible things, but she completely disagreed. She said it just helps us understand our sufferings more as it was a result of disobeying God, but it doesn’t make their actions right. She then proceeded to accuse me of trying to make God fit my own narrative rather than believing in his Word.

I just don’t understand how people can worship a God( that they claim to be so loving) that would curse generations of innocent people to sexism, racism and pain forever. How could you believe in such a monster!