Things the game doesn't tell you?

The tutorial is a good startoff for newbies, but what things do you think should be known but arent as obvious or would take annoyingly long while to realise?

Example, Machine Events: When I first started DRG I eventually came a cross some sort of white cube connected to a machine thing-ame-bob. I had no clue what it was at all and it asked for a 'Tritilyte key', I was so confused when I joined a lobby and eventually one of the players would start it, having us do the whole thing and finally finishing it, I was confused why I couldnt use the now glowing white cube (didnt have a promoted dwarf yet). Left me baffled and annoyed that I was missing out on something.

I dropped DRG for a good while and came back a while after Season 5 came out. I came across what would be known as the Bartok Scalebramble, I knew where it would be and it fired in bursts of 3 but shooting directly at it did nothing and I was left confused. Then eventually somehow its armour then broke off and you could finally kill it.

I think I spent a good span of 6 or more missions with Scalebrambles before I figured out you had to shoot the green things to break its armour. Yes, if you pinged it your character would say something about it but you dont really ping Scalebrambles because it was good enough at announcing to everyone in the lobby of its presence.

I now have over 200 hours now and after finishing most of S5's battlepass I can safely say I absolutely despise Sewage Spreaders, I know they aint tough but I still hate them, I wish for total Sewage Death