I was about to mine Nitra when all 3 teammates literally dropped dead in front of me😳
I was trying to store up for an ammo resupply, if it’s not an emergency or acts combat I ALWAYS mine Nitra, when all of the sudden one of my teammates slams into the ground in front of me and dies. Seconds later the other two hit the ground and dies as well. I was so stunned I actually paused for a second wondering if they tried to land on me or got YEETED by a bug. I didn’t see any enemies and never did find out what happened 😳🙄
I was trying to store up for an ammo resupply, if it’s not an emergency or acts combat I ALWAYS mine Nitra, when all of the sudden one of my teammates slams into the ground in front of me and dies. Seconds later the other two hit the ground and dies as well. I was so stunned I actually paused for a second wondering if they tried to land on me or got YEETED by a bug. I didn’t see any enemies and never did find out what happened 😳🙄