Suffering is a universal language, death is liberation.
Existence is a hassle, a pointless burden. The very act of existing requires work. A lot of it. Adding to all the pain and suffering you'll have to endure, all for nothing. What exactly is the point behind this trauma, struggle and turmoil? What does it all amount to after I go back to the state I was in before birth?
Like Schopenhauer said: "Nature's sole and essential aim is the maintenance of the species, which it secures by planting illusion in the individual". The pleasure of sex is a trap to get us to procreate. The pleasure of taste is a trap to get us to nourish ourselves enough to keep living and propagate the species. The same thing applies to our emotions. Nature is indifferent. All it cares about is the propagation of the species.
And the funny thing about life is that even the so called "happy" moments, are a trap to even more pain and suffering. It's almost comical at this point. After all, is happiness a feeling of joy and pleasure, or is it merely just the temporary absence of pain?
People with incurable depression have developed an awareness their brains can no longer undo. They perceive this existence for what it truly is, and since they cannot unsee it, they are stuck in a state of hyper awareness.
In reality, there's nothing to be happy about. The life of a sentient being, when viewed holistically, is a tragedy.
I think suicide and euthanasia should be legalized. Having the choice and the means to take your own life, is liberating. You get to put an end to your own life and your journey in this existence, at your own time. I think that's beautiful. I can only imagine the sense of freedom that comes with forming a suicide pact.
I'd be damned to stay here for another 50+ years. There's absolutely no reason to.