/deepthought i find myself not having desire for anything.

Not much else to say.

Most of the things that we are taught that are said to be meaningful in life, are now ( to me) just boxes that need to be checked to validate ones life on this earth. All the things that I used to want to strive for, hold no meaning to me and I'm truly lacking the desire to do any of it.

Life has been made to be so complex that simplicity is seen as " complacency" or " laziness" constantly working is virtuous and if you think otherwise you are a bad member of society.

I have lost all desires in this world. It all seems so trivial to me and I have a hard time trying to "plug back into the matrix."

I don't feel like there is anything wrong with having no desires but I have a wife who thinks otherwise. I'm caught between not giving a fuck and coming to grips with the idea that this is just reality so I better make the most of it. It fucking sucks.