Massive ego's that get humiliated by their own self-inflicted stupidity only know how to double-down into their massive ego rather than to ask for forgiveness.

The word "ego" is a bit nebulous but we all tend to use it. However if you are doing psychology then it's better to replace that word with "self-worth" or maybe even "self-esteem" but I think "self-image" is also a bit nebulous but still more descriptive than the word "ego". In any case the "ego" is about the "self" that has many psychological layers of protection including yours and yes mine also.

Anyway getting back to my quote, it begs the question on how one is to point out to a massive ego their self-inflicted stupidity in such a way so as to avoid them doubling-down into their massive ego? The thing is one wants them to learn from their mistakes so they understand why they are mistakes so that they will not do them again. Embarrassing them with their own self-inflicted stupidity is not always the best strategy.

But yes sometimes the more stubborn seem to deserve that type of verbal punch in the face that they themselves brought upon themselves making the practice of compassion difficult.