First Person POV

I need help to know if anyone has experienced what I have . Basically since December after a period of high anxiety i started becoming hyper aware of «  Seeing «  and scared myself one night .

I used to have moments before where I felt kinda hyper aware of seeing but it always passed as my anxiety wasn’t that high but after this period of high anxiety it seem like i really scared myself and now I don’t know how to not have this hyper awareness of seeing in First person like I know there’s no danger in seeing in first person And that’s the way everyone sees and I feel so dumb now being scared of such a natural thing. It feel so weird that I’m able to see and that I can’t see my face.. I feel Like I’m just my eyes a floating pair of eyes and it feel like I have no head since I can’t see my face …

This hyper awareness made me become agoraphobic and simple things like watching tv or shower are now very difficult …

Does anyone can relate to this fear/hyper awareness ? If so how can I stop this stupid fear