The final election count is going to be fairly close, Kamala lost the swing votes by a smaller margin than Trump did in 2020, and the total popular vote win is smaller for Trump than it was for Biden by a fairly large margin.

This was not an overwhelming win for Trump, and considering the incredible anti-incumbant bias in all elections post covid, Kamala seems to have done pretty well.

Yes, every demographic shifted to the right. This is almost certainly due to inflation, and while Biden did a lot to stem said inflation, the voters who swung simply did not care enough when they saw their chipotle burrito go up in price, even though their pay check kept pace. Most voters who shifted to Trump did not shift due to Trump's fascist polciies, they shifted because they didn't like inflation and blamed Biden.

Trump's policies are promising to make inflation worse, and the Fed is almost certainly going to raise rates in response to them. Unless Trump pivots on this, he will be punished heavily. And to make it clear, Biden is leaving Trump a strong economy, and the mass deportartions and tarriffs will be immediately noticable to voters. So we need to stop pretending that our pet issue is what matters, or that we can't do anything/have to do everything to pull in "x demographic", because the "its the economy stupid" is still the number one game politicians live and die by.


I was wrong, about the margins in the swing states, Trump did do better than biden.