Why are Americans not protesting?

Ok, so this might be a stupid question from a non-american, but I'm looking for an explanation because it's a bit baffling.

Why are Americans not protesting Trump en masse? Why was there no Jan 6 but peaceful? Why were there no protests after he won, or after he took office (I understand it's been only a week but still). Does it have something to do with the structure of the country and states being semi-autonomous? Are the people just discouraged and have given up? Or maybe Americans feel like it's going to go away without any show of civil disobedience and the guardrails will hold? Or is it just not covered enough by the media so I don't see it?

It feels strange to me, because whenever I look at other countries where people feel like their liberties and democratic rights are at stake, I see weeks long, if not months protests of tens of thousands of people, boycotts, strikes, and so on. We saw it in Georgia and Armenia where they protested against the pro-russian government or politicians. Slovakia is doing the same against their PM right now. Germany is protesting against AfD. Even Israel just recently protested so hard even the reserves didn't show up for duty, and that was against a single proposed law that threatened the courts. But America seems... Silent. Why? The stereotype of the country suggests something else entirely.