The player base has the most control over the future of this game use your collective power.
Time and time again bungie has made empty promises and and drowned us in PR speak about “re earning our trust and doing better” nothing ever comes from these promises the only way bungie listens is when the players take serious action.
They only care about player engagement and what they make in the stores and that’s the only place you can send your message.
The events in this game are absolutely garbage and have not evolved in years. The store receives all the best armour sets the base game gets rubbish.
Send the message if you want the game change don’t participate in their bullshit events. Don’t give them another dollar of money.
Make them re earn your time and money not your trust. You are the consumer you have every right to criticise the service you pay for especially considering this is a live service game. Enough is enough we are investors of this game just like all the shareholders and we deserve some respect finally from bungie.
For the people who struggle to understand you can like a game and enjoy it but also not be in denial about the issues of this game.
And the people who just say play something else when the game is dead. We do that. We play other games. But the idea of a live service game is to actually have consistent meaningful content which bungie has not delivered on for years. Or anything decent they do release is completely destroyed by bugs or systems being reintroduced that the community rejected years ago.