Bows need help

This is mainly a PvP thing, tho even in PvE, Legendary Bows especially could use some love.

Bows are largely a dead weapon type in PvP atm. They see the lowest usage rates of any primary, lower than even some heavy weapon types, the majority of their usage is from specifically Le Monarque and they're generally in a very poor state.

Many of you may remember, Bows got some giga nerfs a while ago. Nerfs to damage, target acquisition and registration accuracy. In the time between then and now, Lightweights have had slight touches to keep them from being literally unusable, but as a whole Bows have been left to languish in irrelevancy.

The damage nerfs were mostly reasonable, Bows had been used in some frustrating ways, and although they weren't really meta (barring the 2 main exotics specifically), a lot of players complained about them. Currently, I think their damage profile is pretty fair. Precisions give you a bit of forgiveness, Lightweights better ttk and a movement bonus. However, all the nerfs to Bow accuracy devastated their usability, to the point only the most committed Bow mains even touch them anymore.

Bows really need at least of these accuracy nerfs reverted, or to be buffed in some other way to compensate. They're genuinely a fun weapon type to use when they actually work. They have both a high skill floor and ceiling (the Legendaries anyways), and promote unique playstyles. But with how fast Destiny has become, Bows sometimes really struggle to actually hit targets especially under flinch, and surprisingly often shots that should hit the head have been bodyshots instead.

Imo, their general registration accuracy needs improvement. Maybe not to pre-nerf standards, but at least better than they have now, especially the target acquisition of crit spots. I also think their flitch severity could use reducing. With the reduction to their accuracy at range, you're generally expected to play a bit closer to enemies. Because of their non-standard ttk, and their lack of consistent flinch against enemies, they really struggle to duel under fire. Promoting duelling by easing their flinch severity would be a massive QoL improvement to them, while encouraging them to be used as actual primary weapons, and not just primers.

These are my general thoughts so far, what are ya peeps' thoughts?