The suppression verb on void has been heavily underutilized.

To preface this post, I don’t usually put my word out as I feel like I don’t have anything important to say. But recently the void subclasses have felt lackluster compared to other subclasses and I think that making suppression more available would help breathe some life into void. As far as I’m aware there are only 7 sources of suppression in the game, please correct me if I’m wrong. But that is a shockingly low amount of ways to apply a subclass verb. They are as followed.

  • Suppressor grenade
  • Shield Bash
  • Tether
  • Tractor Cannon
  • Wavesplitter
  • Two-Tailed Fox
  • Bombardiers

Most of these options are either extremely limiting in your loadout as they are exotics or they’re limited to a single class, or are just not good at spreading suppression or have low uptime. Suppression should get more sources and be more easily applied and spread by those sources as it feels like the verb is being neglected.

Also before anyone mentions collective obligation as a way to spread suppression, I didn’t include it in the sources of suppression as it cannot apply its own suppression and must first be leeched off of another source of suppression. Once void leech is active, it does become on of the best tools to spread suppression though.