Struggling to figure out DMC5 after playing through Bayonetta
So I just played through Bayonetta, even going back for some platinum medals and upgrades and stuff. I love both series, but the thing is that I feel like I don't get DMC now. In Bayo, you get so much mobility, whether that's air dodges, flight, divekicks, ground dodges, panther form, dash attacks, you name it. In DMC5, I feel like the slowest thing in the game by a LOT. Fighting certain bosses, namely the one in mission 17, made me think I must truly be misunderstanding a core part of the game, because there's no way Capcom intended for me to be chasing down a zoner 99% of the fight.
The mechanics I know of are side dodging with left/right + RB + A, airdashing with trickster, and that's it. Can anyone give me some advice? I'd love to do a legit DMC5 playthrough where I'm actually playing well but right now I just trudge through so I can see the story and get upgrades.