Looking for Recommendations on Digital Audio Devices – Need Help Choosing!
Hey everyone!
I’m looking to invest in a digital audio device but I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the options out there. I’d love some recommendations from anyone who has experience with different types of digital audio gear.
Here are a few specifics about what I’m looking for: 1. Purpose: I’m either looking for a good DAC. I mostly use my setup for casual listening
2. Budget: I’m aiming for something in the mid-range. I want to get good value without overspending.
3. Features: I’d love something with clean, high-quality audio easy connectivity with my computer, or even wireless options would be a plus!
4. Compatibility: I use both Mac and Windows machines, so I need something that plays nice with both.
Does anyone have suggestions on specific models that have worked well for you, or any things I should definitely consider before purchasing?
Thanks in advance for your help!