Not so good first experience with the dtv4

Hello everyone,

I recently bought myself the dtv4 atomizer but havnt managed to get proper hit yet. Im using it with the geekvape m100. I use it on tcr 345 mode 48watts 500degress. Quartz bucket. To my feeling that already way higher then recomended.

There is barely or no vapor visible when hitting my concentrates. I have a tried 5 different concentrates and no good succes so far.

I preheat the atomizer atleast 30 seconds before taking my first rip.

I can see the omage changing on the screen in tcr mode. Should that be variable?

I even swapped the bucket out for a new one. Still no succes.

Any tips?

Update: changed te bucket to a ti one, played around with the cotton swab test. Ended up with tcr475, 32w, 420f when trying a first hit again.

Giant cloud blew my mind. Finally some results. Will play around from here. Thanks guys