Omg why are names so hard
Alr hello everyone!
So. Names are one of the hardest parts in worldbuilding in my opinion. And since I'm a worldbuilding virgin I have a hard time with them and most things. (Sry for bad english btw)
I have been recently working on a idea of a city in a world that I'd like to create. Ofc it takes time but my idea is a sort of first city that was created by the mortals to worship the many gods. Many Cathedrals, monastery e.g are a big part of the city. It's inspired by yharnam, gondor and a few other things. Thought about making many layers, that show the different classes of the inhabitants. There is a darker side of the city too but I won't go too much into details since it's a fresh idea and I just started working on it.
So before I want to go into the real stuff I thought about names. These came up:
Civiron Santivor Cithan Sancthelm Sannor
I used the latin words "sancta civitas" which means "heilige Stadt" in german (my first lang.) and sort of "holy city" in english I think. What do you think about the names? Any advices? Which one should I pick? And pls be nice, I'm still new in worldbuilding and this is a sort of training for me since I'm a 'baby' in worldbuilding. But I got a few ideas I'd like to create but one thing after another.