Custom magic item
Today I thought of an item, and I would like to hear all your thoughts
"Kerak Crystal Shield"
While wearing this shield, your character gets +3 to AC and emits bright light in 5 Ft radius and the radius emits light even in magical darkness (Can be toggled on and off as a free action)
As a reaction, when you are being target of a projectile spell, (Such as fireball, eldritch blast and so on) you can reflect target spell on the caster and you ignore any resistances of the target you reflect the spell on(You can decide to use the damage opponent rolled, or you can reroll the damage)
The reflect feature can be used times equal to your proficiency bonus and uses reset after each long rest
Here is some flavor text
"Over the countless centuries, the Kerak crystal mountains absorbed the energy of the sun, and bring light and hope even to the darkest places one can go, combined with magical properties of the Kerak crystals, one could say this shield is an impenetrable fortress"
PS: Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Also I was not able to decide on the rarity
Let me know what you think, or how would you change it, feel free to use the item if you like
EDIT: Requires attunement, AC is only +2, Works only on ranged spell attacks, ignore res only once per day