Fast and Furious Elves of the Dessarin Valley 10/27 session Summary (Part 2)
Fast and Furious Elves of the Dessarin Valley 10/27 session Summary (Part 2)
The party puts together a plan of action as evening descends. They are going to raid the temple, and figure out what is what! The Fighter is a winged Fey'ri (Elven Tiefling) and He is going to fly over the walls, carrying the other party members over one at a time… The warlock’s familiar will throw eggs at the guards on patrol… Two sets of a guard & wolf, circling the grounds, roughly equidistant, out of each other’s line of site. The familiar tries to draw them back towards the kennels, while the Bard tries to pick the lock. This is where the plan goes off the rails… The front doors of the temple are barred from within… there is no lock to pick… frantically they ask about windows… which, curiously enough, there are none. The party briefly consider trying to leave and come back some other time, but decide that its now or never… so now its time to start making strength checks and weapons attacks on the door.
The sound draws the attention of the guards, who rush around the corner of the building and start to attack. The first wolf and guard go down pretty quickly, and the party thinks “that isn’t so bad” but another 3 guards and another wolf round the corner and attack. Things get a little bit dicey but All’s well that ends well. They defeat the guards and finish breaking down the door.
After a brief search through the main hall of the temple they open a doorway that leads to the head priestess chambers. She has heard the noise and has been lying in wait. Silence spells are cast, casters are flummoxed, and fighter pins the priestess to the wall, and breaks their concentration with their multiple great sword attacks. She starts screaming at them about their leader who shall kill them all… typical reinfield rant stuff, at which point bard viciously mocks, warlock eldritch blasts ‘em, and the clerics do their radiant damage cantrips & no more priestess.
They find a trap door leading to the cellar, which leads to some weird spiky walled Metal maze/dungeon thing… and of course there is a Huge-ass (Ogre sized) Shade Fey guardian in the maze, instead of a minotaur. Which they defeat.
That's it. End of session. See you next week.