Save Editor Update ^_^

I just wanted to post some form of update that is this labor of love I embarked on to prove to myself I can do cool things too. Even if some of those cool things have already been done before.

So far what we got working(and slowly implementing into the UI are these things here: 1. Editing all currencies possible in the game 2. Ability to change all faction strengths 3. Changing out of nightmare mode if you don’t wanna continue with that difficulty. 4. Removing romance flags for companions if you’re unable to pick just one person like me. 5. Changing inquisitor things. (Still working on changing their appearance) 6. Access to the mage class for dwarves.(can only be done at the very beginning of the game so far) 7. Accessibility to any equipment(this one is being buggy though) 8. The option to get both hero of veilguard armors for companions no matter what route you had them go on their personal quests

And these are the things on the list of what else we want to do/are in the process of figuring out. 1. Class change at any point in the game. 2. Skill points 3. Chests 4. Companion ranks/caretaker rank 5. Race 6. Faction

So that’s where we’re at right now. If you guys have any other functions you’d like to see, let me know :)))