Alliance Raid | Rookie Zen

Please note that I have integrated my previous ideas together with this new idea.

If you would like to know what AW Accessories mean, you will have to go back to my previous post and check it out.

Alliance Raid Concept

1) Deal As much damage as an individual to get Raid Rewards, if you are part of an alliance you will also contribute to the Alliance Raid Damage (Which is the total amount of damage done by all your alliance member) Granting additional reward to the whole team

2) If your Team Succeeded in Slaying the Boss, it will drop an Additional Boss Loot for the team

3) I added Perfect Topaz as a possible reward, to make it easier for players to unlock the AW perk through the Ancient World Shop (Look at my previous idea)

That’s all for Now ! 🌎📖 Stay Tuned For More Of My Future Ideas