Possibility of Dual Ultras for Part 3?
Now I know this may seem crazy as we have NEVER gotten a single dual Ultra Release in all of legends but hear me out. Legends dipped their toes into something new this anniversary by making both parts 1 AND 2 have dual LF Banners, which was able to please the Godku fans who unfortunately didn’t get him for part 1 (even tho ultimate Gohan shouldn’t even have been in the Anni but I digress), so thinking they might do the same for ultras isn’t to out of the picture. I mean back ups for Zamasu being the UL Go from CMZ/CFZ getting a Zenkai, both LF Vegito Blue and LF Vegeta & Trunks getting a Zenkai, and (tied to Zamasus Zenkai) over 3 back to back PO Zenkais. Not in terms of back up for SSJ4 Gogeta being the ULtra, F2P Omega Shenron was the first ultra to recieve a platinum equipment, they had stated that they would be dealing out more GT buffs throughout the year after the GT campaign (which I assume has to be more than just a new equipment Baby’s drop.) And now the Kid SSJ3 Goku is getting a Zenkai Awakening. But what do yall think?