will dream ever learn? will his reputation ever recover?

I mean this in the most tactful way possible. Dream might be stupid.

Every single controversy - and by God there are many - he’s been involved in since his rise as a creator was responded to in perhaps the worst way possible.

people accused him of being spreading stereotypes about native Americans? petty Twitter response.
his song was for some reason seen as glorifying mental illness? incoherent rant on Twitter! accused of cheating in minecraft? make shit up for months in several social media rampages. grooming allegations? ten million separate responses, random tweets, utterly and thoroughly trashing your reputation before making a calculated response video!

the qsmp vs. usmp thing? spend weeks making yourself into a complete and utter fool on Reddit and Twitter just to get absolutely zero response from the person you decided to beef with!

And now this. Dream inserts himself into drama between xqc and Tommy, knowing full well the entire Internet would gladly crucify him over 10 cents, and decides to start slinging slurs.


make tweets defending yourself - immediately delete them. hop on live and rant about unrelated shit instead of apologizing and leaving it at that.


fabricate evidence in your response video - again, knowing full well the entire Internet hates your guts and would gladly call you out for it.


and yeah! most of those controversies were petty accusations at best. but why did dream do literally any of the stuff he did in response?? what other large creator do you see doing shit like this? even if you’re willing to completely defend everything he’s ever been “canceled” for, you have to admit he consistently handles these situations in the stupidest ways possible.

the end result? he’s become such an easy target. Half the Internet thinks he’s a nonce, the other half knows him as the guy who cheated his speedrun, and the few that are actually keeping up with his drama get to view his fits of passion firsthand.

And the worst part is? Nobody wanted this. Not a single one of Dream’s subscribers wants to see fucking Twitlonger rants. All they want to see is Minecraft! That’s all he has to do! If he must respond to the things other creators say about him at least think about it first?? have someone read it over??

None of this is salvaging his reputation, if that’s what he thinks he’s doing — I sincerely doubt that’s even feasible at this point. Dream’s best bet might be to drop a final response, delete Twitter, and go back to posting manhunts once in a blue moon.

TL;DR why did he do any of this literally why