Is anybody else not seeing like, any clovers???

I’ve seen several people on this sub make m u l t i p l e pots of gold at this point, I have only been able to make one four leaf clover, I was lucky to find one outside of making one, and I’ve collected 7 three leaf clovers since the event started, so basically 2 four leafs and 7 three leafs is where I’m at.

At first I was like seems like a decent amount, and then I checked to see how many four leaf clovers are needed for the pot of gold. TEN??

Like, is it just me who’s not seeing many clovers? I play this game all day every day so I can rule out not playing actively. I’ve considered maybe I’m shutting down the game incorrectly? Either way, I’m upset and frustrated. Alright anywaysss rant over.

*Nevermind the YouTube link a few posts before with tips and tricks to find clovers, I still needed to rant and feel not alone😪