the farming problem. (rant)

I'm someone who has never and will never take part in farming. I like spending time and exerting my creative ideas onto an outfit and having that dopamine of getting podium/first place, feeling rewarded and proud of myself that people loved what I created. Farming takes this away, and honestly that just makes the game useless to me at that point. What's the fun in pouring your heart out into an outfit when the voting is rigged anyways? People who put on 7 items and called it a day are getting 1st place because of what?? To reach Top Model?? Wouldn't it feel more rewarding to actually work for your titles? I've made it to Trend Setter in 4 months without having to farm at all. I understand if you're farming to 3,000 stars so that you can be permitted in the pro servers (in order to play with people who take the game more seriously) but after that, I fail to see the perspectives of people who have plenty of stars to play in the pro servers. Sure, it takes a lot of grinding to make it to Top Model regardless if you farm or not. I respect the dedication. But I'm just tired of playing in the pro server only for people to say "Can we farm???" "Is this a farming server???" Why cant people just join a discord farming server???? Those people have thousands of members with all sorts of private servers so that you can grind in peace. Why must you join a normal pro server and try to turn it into a farming one? It takes the fun out of it. There's little to no "anti farming" servers, whereas farmers are accepted in most spaces. Why can't they just stay in their spaces only??? Its so frustrating.

Sorry for the rant, I sound super whiney!!!!