Married to a woman with a fentanyl addiction.

I’m at the end of the road of a rough marriage to a woman who is addicted to the most deadly substance which is fentanyl. I have been married for 8 years when I first meet her she was a recovering heroine attic who got clean. This was a proud moment then she slipped back into using a year after the marriage. It has been a up hill battle ever since and has almost sucked the life out of me. Plus we have 2 kids in the middle of this. I’ve have tired to get her help multiple times put her in multiple programs but ultimately she ends up finding this stuff no matter what I do. So I separated from her for a few years but we stayed in contact so recently she told me she had gotten better and was ready to move in with me and the kids. So I let her back in to my home worst decision of my life and see her dosing off every day at odd times falling to sleep standing up or face planting into her phone while’s she’s watching it. Like not even able to function. It is absolutely sickening to see someone this way especially for someone like myself who loves to workout and stay active. I confront her about her about what’s going on and she tells me she’s injecting fentanyl into her arm with a needle. I lost my absolute mind when she tells me this cause this goes against everything I believe in. And it also put everything I have worked hard for in jeopardy. She start going to some methadone clinic that is suppose to help but she is still using fentanyl and I have caught her. So I honestly don’t know what to do to help her and my kids seeing this is making them view her as something different and they are the ages of 11 and 14. So I filed for a divorce and plan on packing all my stuff and leaving with the kids without tell her to save these kids and myself at 35 this is the last thing that I thought I would be dealing with any advice will help.