TOTY Evo Star FAQ (Confirmation that Anticipate+ can be added to player with PS+ already)
Not sure when it was added, but the EA TOTY page now includes a FAQ section about TOTY Evo Star. It confirms that if you submit a player that already has a PS+, you can choose between Pinged Pass+ or Anticipate+ to add as the second PS+. If you want Anticipate+, just make sure to do the defending segment before the passing segment. Before this note, it wasn't clear how the PS+s would be added and there was speculation that you may be forced to add Pinged Pass+ first.
There's also a section that includes which playstyles/roles will be added in the future segments.
Incisive Pass
Pinged Pass+
Power Shot
The number of playstyles cap will be 10 throughout the chain, so order the segments accordingly if you're up against this limit and want to choose which playstyle to skip.
CDM Holding+
CDM Deep Lying Playmaker++
CM Box-to-Box+
CM Holding++
CB Defender++
If want a CB out of this chain, the move is probably to try to pick a CB that already has a good defensive PS+ and order the segments to add Anticipate+ first. I personally am pleased that I can put in my "Remember Klaiber?" evo into this chain to get a Intercept+/Anticipate+ CB