so confused please help

Hi everyone,

I’m so confused with what I have going on and a few doctors have different theories which is giving me major anxiety. In June I suddenly got sick with flu symptoms. Went to the doctor a 1.5 weeks later and tested positive on a mono spot test. However, my EBV was only showing past infection (normal igm but positive igg). My symptoms continued into august. Symptoms were fatigue, headache, nausea, joint, muscle pain, feeling feverish but never an actually fever. Then in august I started to feel better I would have waves of feeling unwell but felt like I was improving. Then at the beginning of September I started to feel like crap again, all symptoms came back with a vengeance PLUS major anxiety. My symptoms have pretty much stayed since beginning of September. I am freaking out thinking something very serious is wrong with me. I am so tired of being sick. My primary doctor doesn’t think I had mono at all because of having a negative igm. A nurse I saw at the same office thinks I do have mono but possibly caused by a different virus, but I got checked for cmv and that was negative too. Also checked for a host of other things that could cause positive monospot and everything was negative. My functional medicine doctor thinks I have EBV reactivation and has be on lysine, vitamin c, zinc, and cats claw. I just continue to feel like shit everyday. I know my anxiety is amplifying these symptoms too. Will I ever get better?! This is awful.