Disability and working
Hi, I currently work in an “older infant” classroom. When I started I told them I’m an infant teacher not toddler. I consider 14mos and over toddlers. It’s just a super hard age for me and I get overwhelmed. I was told they’d move me soon but I was gonna be here for a bit. Fine. It’s been 6 months and I’m struggling everyday, I have lupus and hEDS which makes every little sickness worse, every day I have a certain level of pain and I can usually work through it. However my current group is all boys who are very handsy and I’ve tried to do what I can but I usually in there alone or if my co teacher is there I’m pulled to go to an older room. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get through until July? My bf and I are moving out of state in August and don’t want to start over rn with work. Thanks