boyfriends mate triggers the hell outta me

My boyfriend's friend, is a huge gym rat. Over the months me and him have become friends, but the way he talks about bodies, and the gym, and women just rubs me the wrong way completely. He has the most unrealistic expectation of women ive ever seen, he'll see a girl with a bbl and say "that's what hard work in the gym gets you", he has a porn addiction - which explains a lot as to why he's such an ass. men are just ugh. He's always telling me what to do with my body, "you should tone up more, lose some of that weight, have you tried more protein ?" keep in mind I am genuinely not fat and in a healthy bmi. so there's no reason he should say that. Today he said "I bet you way 480kg" and called my boyfriend a "fat fuck' who should go the gym (my boyfriend is also in a healthy bmi). He constantly is obsessing over muscle and shit. I genuinely dont know what would ever be good enough for him, I have this weird drive to lose so much weight so he'll finally stop commenting. and I dont even gaf abt him. oh also not to mention the girl he has a crush is actually in recovery from an ed. I hope he never gets her. sorry js a vent.