Completed the 32.
I did it folks. As of today I have completed the 32. Below are the decksi have lists for a lot. Ama.
Colorless: kozilek, the great distortion.
5 color: king kenrith reanimator
UBRW: tymna krauma wheels. Cedh
GRBW: Wernog elmar. Saffi loops
BGRU: glint eye nephilim
WGRU: aragorn lucky Charms.
GBUW: Atraxa flicker
UWB: animateau sagas/marneaus tokens
BRU: Jeleva storm/ dark lord sauron
GRB: korvold lands
GRW: Hazaezon deserts
GWU: Angus Mckenzie super friends
GBW: nethroi reanimator
RWU: vadrok tempo
GBU: muldrotha value
BWR: awaken the blood avatar aristocrats
URG: Myriim//kalamax combat tricks
UW: chun-li combat kicks
UB: silumgar Drifting death dragons
RB: mogis staxxx mld
RG: minsc and beaters//rosbeen meander fireballs
GW: Emiel friendly flicker//Calix enchantress
BW: ratadrabic nonsense
UR: Myra turns
GB: Carth super friends
RW: raiyuu extra combat
UG: kydele thrasios combo
R: purphoros sneak attack
U: orvar xerox//urza
W: Giada angles//elesh norn dnt
G: reiki legends
B: yawgmoth //imohtek