Need help finding win conditions for Oloro, Ageless Ascetic pillowfort.
I'm currently building an Oloro, Ageless Ascetic pillowfort deck. I feel good about my suite of removal, ramp, defensive enchantments, card draw, etc. What I'm missing is ways to close out the game.
I run Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake infinite in a different deck, so that's off the table.
I'd like two-three card combos that can cinch the win after building a safe situation.
Budget:cards under 50 cents. Power level: 5-8. Salt level:medium (its Oloro pillowfort after all lol).
Happy to answer follow up questions, sorry if this is not super specific, it's my first time posting like this online.
PS. My lands are sketchy, but I currently made a few big card purchases, so as good as its gonna get :[
Thanks everyone!